FT-817 Power Poles go Vertical

A while back I found a model on Thingiverse for an Anderson Power Pole adaptor for the back of my Yaesu FT-817.
Power Poles are almost the standard in the Ham Radio world for hooking up power to radios and accessories and they're really handy.
A search of the interwebs didn't find a pre-rolled solution so after couple of hours of quality couch-in-front-of-telly time with OpenSCAD and a mirror-image false start later I'd come up with a not completely useless solution.
Entrepreneurs will tell you that failing fast is a key aspect of their method, something about agile business process but I make mistakes simply because I can. :-)
I've posted the stl file and OpenSCAD source code on Thingiverse here if you've landed here looking for a similar solution.