When the Cloud goes bad

Before you read too much further this is a bit of a self-serving rant, bought on indirectly by the heartbleed bug published a couple of weeks ago.
I’m a fan of cloud hosted virtual Linux servers for hosting and messing about of the geeky kind.
The ability to spin up a box and play with it to your hearts content then just shut it off again for cents an hour has to be one of the greatest enablers of growth in online services since caffeine laden fizzy drinks hit the market.
I evangelised the use of cloud boxes for web hosting a while ago with some of my geeky friends, which of course rubbed off onto some of the not-so-geeky ones as well.
That’s where the cloud goes bad, right there, just at the end of that last sentence.
I even went as far as to help a couple of the not-so-geeky folks set up cloud servers and migrate their websites in a flurry of command line goodness with bash scripting that is in fact a native language for sandal wearers in many countries.
That was 2009 and skipping forward five years I now seem to have become the Linux agony aunt for a few of the converts and even some of the ones I considered to have strong bash-foo had dug a hole so deep that apt-get and yum can’t rescue them.
One whole day, almost to the minute, after CVE-2014-0160 was published and about four hours after I’d finished the initial patching of all *ix boxes for work my inbox was showing signs of the darker side of the cloud.
The questions were varied, to be fair, but all symptoms of the same underlying issue. “Is my server vulnerable?”, “My server wont update, how do I upgrade it?”, “I googled it but apt-get gives me xxxx error”.
Some of these machines had not been updated by their well meaning owners since they were spun up, in some cases over five years ago. The distribution in the case of Debian 5 now unsupported. This is my problem how?
The next morning I was due to start a three day holiday in the form of being parent helper on a school camp so I really didn’t want to be a part of someone else’s IT dilemma. For work I would keep an eye on things while away, but the other folks? Hmmm.
I replied with a pretty generic message to all of them, along the lines of ‘Patch OpenSSL, replace your SSH keys and if you’re using https get the certificate re-issued’.
So, instead of just relying on the trusty iPhone to keep up I ignored the rules for school camps and packed my netbook along with my toothbrush, socks and bug repellent. My plan being to get online tethered to the phone at least a couple of times during the break.
Well, you could have knocked me down with a feather. About midnight on the Wednesday I get online and there’s about forty emails waiting for my weary eyes.
Half of them unhappy replies to my apparently useless advice and the other half from more people who clearly shouldn’t run public facing servers on the internet without first putting on their overcoats.
Where I had credentials I made a half-hearted effort to get on and update OpenSSL in the wee hours between mountain biking, making hundreds of filled rolls and hut building in the rain but generally I just deffered them as my enthusiasm for cloud computing was being sorely tested. I’m not a very good agony aunt it seems.
And here’s the rant, in a nutshell:
If you don’t know how to keep a server secure and up to date you should not be running your own virtual servers online. Windows or Linux I don’t care. Just don’t do it.
If the concept of migrating applications or websites between releases of Linux Distro is foreign, or you think a public key is something used by kids to sneak into the school pool, get yourself some cheap shared hosting. Virtual servers are not for you.
If you think the scope for a Windows firewall is a tube with mirrors at each end allowing you to peer over the wall…. Well, you get the idea.
I hereby retract all of my former enthusiasm for cloud hosted virtual Linux servers.